Does your marketing feel a bit like that?
What do you want your signals to say about you? What do you want your audience to think when they notice your signal?
Should your first signal be about promoting your service regardless of who is receiving it?
You send out signals into the world every time you do something. Whether it is a “marketing activity” or not.
Who picks up your signal is a factor of signal quality, distribution, and targeting.
Is the signal interrupting them and asking for attention? Or is the signal mindful of their situation and asking for permission instead?
The signal quality received is dependent on how unique the message is, how relevant and timely it is, and ultimately whether it is valuable enough to warrant attention and engagement.
Do you send out mixed signals? Your website says one thing. Your product says something else. And your “marketing” communication is saying something different altogether.
Are your signals consistent? Do you have patterns that the audience can recognize, like a birdsong?
Can one high-intensity signal be enough to convert someone into a paying customer? Or would you rather have a sequence of signals sent consistently and draw the ideal customer in the audience closer to you one step at a time?